Monday, September 30, 2019

Evaluating the Research Process Essay

Remote communities face several challenges concerning health care. For instance, communication with health care professionals, transportation, availability of doctors, and shortage of doctors. Literature review to identify and review new methods of improving access to health, quality of care, and improving the effectiveness of delivering health care services in remote Alaskan villages. MEDLINE, EMBASE, and CINAHL databases that index health research were used along with Artic health databases. Abstracts and full articles were reviewed and categorized into four sections. Organizational structure of health services, Telehealth, E-health, and medical transportation. â€Å"Despite the challenges facing rural and remote regions, there is a distinctly positive message from this broad literature review. Evidence-based initiatives exist across a range of areas – which include operational efficiency and integration, access to care, organizational structure, public health, continuing education and workforce composition that have the potential to positively impact health care quality and health-related outcomes† (Masucci, Mitton, & Dionne, 2011). The literature review did not identify any past research associated with new ideas to improve access, quality, and efficiency in the organizational structures and delivery of health care services in northern rural and remote and rural populations. This review was directed toward the redesign of health care systems in Nunavut territory in Canada. When conducting research in an academic or professional setting, it is important to display ethical responsibility throughout the research study. For instance, Researchers conducting the study and collecting data should obtain permission from individuals who are involved in the study in any way. Researchers must ensure subjects involved in the study are not in any physical or emotional harm, such as asking difficult questions or using insensitive words. One very important consideration for researchers to remember when conducting any form of data collection is to be sure to maintain their own personal biases and opinions so they do not get in the way of the research. Research such as questionaries’ or observations should be conducted under the assumption that findings are kept anonymous. It is important to let the research subject know whether the research results will be anonymous or not. Research subjects should be chosen based on what and who will be most beneficial to  the research. And last, when reporting results from the research study the results must be accurately represented from what he or she was told or what you observed. For example, do not discuss parts of observations without putting them in appropriate context. Research has found that telehealth and ehealth has been effective in providing information of health professions with educational opportunities to in these rural populations that would not have been provided without telehealth and ehealth. Therefore, telehelath and ehealth system have a significant impact on improving access and quality care. The research also identified the use of medical air transport when needed services are not available as well as transportation to and from rural and remote regions. The study affirmed the importance of medical air transport in rural and remote regions while indicating such concerns are not unusual. Second, there are no evidence-based guidelines indicating which services to provide in local regions as opposed to having access by medical air transport or procedures in selecting which patients to select for emergency are transported. Currently no framework exists to determine the over or underutilization of medical air transport. Researchers found that the regions with the largest potential impact in remote regions are public health where several programs have been implemented, and analyzed indicating high degree of success. For example, health promotion programs such as alcohol and smoking cessation, obesity, exercise, dental care, hygiene, and suicide prevention. The literature strongly indicates these programs have positive impacts. Therefore, the regions in the research study have opportunity to improve the delivery and organization structure of health care services. This particular research study was not a systematic review. According to Masucci, Mitton, and Dionne (2011) â€Å"The purpose of the article was not to find literature on a wide range of topics but rather to find exemplary articles that could speak to the topics at hand. However, the caution is that while we attempted to provide both sides of any given story, in some cases important papers may have been missed which could suggest important alternative courses of action.† (p. 470). The research team relied on an advisory board that gave advice on their work. Review of only found positive solutions in which history politics, structures, and behavior contribute to improvement the key factor is action ability. This information will be crucial to enhancing care in the targeted regions as well as other  remote and rural regions nationwide. The research study identifies several challenges that northern rural remote regions face. The literature review found several evidence based initiative from operational efficiency, integration, applying telehealth, applying ehealth, organizational structure, public health, continuing education, and workforce composition have potential to have a positive impact on health outcomes in rural and remote northern regions. The only area of research that indicated not to have a positive impact was medical air transport indicating further research is needed. The research study has provided an extensive survey from literate regarding innovations in the organizational structure and delivery of health serveries in northern rural and remote regions. This study did not find any conflicts of interest regarding the improvement of health care in these rural and remote regions. Specific ideas and strategies found to improving access, quality, and efficiency in the organization structure and delivery of health care services in rural and remote northern regions are palliative model, which performed most effective for patients on weekly case conferences, on-call nursing, patient held records, shared protocols, and procedures. Reference: Masucci, L., Mitton, C., & Dionne, F. (2011). ) Innovations in health service organization and delivery in northern rural and remote regions: a review of the literature. International Journal of Circumpolar Health, 70(5), 460-472.

Sunday, September 29, 2019

Actual families Essay

The views of actual families and perceived families on inner city family values are different in the sense that reality hits actual families. Our minds can perceive what should be done but if we check reality, poverty is a serious problem that should be dealt with fervor. Teaching family values is the foundation of all solutions to these problems. Why is that so? If children learn family values at home and the parents show them good example in practicing these values, children will most likely emulate the parents (Learning Family, 1999, p. 1). Then there will be no existence of violent crimes since people practice compassion. There will be no extreme poverty since people practice being industrious. All these could be perceived in the mind but can be transformed into reality. Finally, it is not true that inner societies should believe that poverty is part and parcel of the society they belong. Poverty can be eradicated by all means if cooperation of the people concerned can be given. However, there are people who become poor because of the things that they do not have control of. And other people experience poverty because they are too indolent to work hard. The former cause of poverty deserves to be treated as recoverable and can be solved. See more: Beowulf essay essay And there is nothing we can do for people who become poor due to idleness and slothfulness. Thus, family values of industry and integrity must be upheld in both actual and perceived families on inner cities. References Ashman, K. & Hull, G. 1999. Understanding Generalist Practice. USA: Nelson-Hall, Inc. International Herald Tribune. 2008. Global Food Shortage; America’s light still shines; moving too fast. Retrieved September 30, 2008, from http://www. iht. com /articles/2008/03/13/opinion/edlet. php. Learning Family. 1999. Learning Family Values. Retrieved September 30, 2008, from http://www. learningfamily. net/about/values. htm. News 24 Website. 2008 August 25. Poverty, parenting cause crime. Retrieved October 1, 2008, from http://www. news24. com/News24/South_Africa/News/0,,2-7-1442_2382088,00. html. Overpopulation Website. 2008 September 7. Impacts. Retrieved September 30, 2008, from http://www. overpopulation. org/impact. html. Vogel, S. 2008 August 24. Gazette Extra. Does Poverty Equal Crime? Scholars disagree. Retrieved October 1, 2008, from http://gazettextra. com/news/2008/aug/24/does-poverty-crime-scholars-disagree/. Wattenberg, M. , Edwards III, G. & Lineberry, R. 2003. Government of America. USA: Addison- Wesley Educational Publishers, Inc.

Saturday, September 28, 2019

Introduction to Social Networking and the Impact on College Life Research Paper

Introduction to Social Networking and the Impact on College Life - Research Paper Example The social network is a wonderful place to be for every individual in the world today because it provides updates from near and dear ones, assists in communicating with people living far away in remote areas of the world and also helps people to entertain themselves and keep busy. However, the social network has begun to have an adverse effect on the lives of students as well as professionals at the workplace because it has been eating into their work time. Many teachers argue that their students fail to finish their work on time because of being hooked onto the internet and on social network sites like Face book and Twitter. Social media websites have been thus affecting school and college students’ grades because students end up spending more time on websites rather than studying. Most students, when asked how they spend their day, reply by stating that they spend their hours after school or college in front of the computer, on websites like Twitter and Face book. These websites take up all their time because the new generation is obsessed with documenting their every thought on the internet. Moreover, they like checking into places on their Face book, updating their status and spend hours on a single photograph that someone would have tagged them on, commenting. All these activities eat up into their study time and they fail to get good grades or concentrate in the classroom due to being so hooked on to these websites all the time. The focus of this paper is on college students because school children can still be controlled by their parents and are under the regulation of their parent’s watchful eye. Once in college, a student is on his own, leading his own life and seldom listens to what the parents say, especially if he lives away from home. Such fr eedom tends to override the child’s life, leading him into spending his time in the most non productive and enjoyable manner possible. The internet may be very productive however using social networking websites may hinder productivity. By this I mean to say that the internet can be a very productive place to be as it has so many websites full of information and learning; one can enrich himself by reading the news as well, however college students seldom tend to do that, unless the news presents itself in the form of a Face book update. Almost 96% of college students are on Face book all the time and even if they study, they tend to keep checking their Face book page for updates every half an hour, if not lesser. This hinders work because it reduced the concentration span of the student. (Akhtar, Shabbir) â€Å"As social media websites, such as Face book, YouTube and Twitter gain popularity, they are also are becoming increasingly dangerous as they create modes to procrastin ate while trying to complete homework. Hence, in a survey of 102 students, 57% stated that social media has made them less productive.† Moreover, the student always has something else on his or her mind, or he keeps waiting for a particular notification to come, which makes him lose his attention from his college assignment completely. Obviously, being on the internet can exhaust a person because of all the browsing and the mental work that is being done, without even knowing it. So after browsing the Face book for even two hours, students tend to tire out easily, and thus delay doing their college work at all, again leading to bad grades in class the next day. Another aspect that hinders their work and brings them bad grades is that their smart phones are synchronized to their

Friday, September 27, 2019

Do you think that access to water is a human right If you had to Essay

Do you think that access to water is a human right If you had to choose whether you would have a water spout in (or near) your home or electricity in your home, which would be your priority Why - Essay Example Contaminated water jeopardizes both the physical and social health of all people. It is an affront to human dignity† (Water as a human right, n. d). The creator at the time of creation has provided human enough resources needed for his survival on earth. He has given us food, water, shelter and enough natural resources to find our livelihood. The creator was aware of the importance of water on human life and he has given us great oceans, rivers, streams at the surface of earth. Moreover he has kept a large stock of water at the underground also. He has kept water sources everywhere on earth for the living things to utilize it. He has not limited it to some part of the world which means that access to water sources is given as a basic right not only to the human but to all the living things as well. Lack of safe water or drinking water is a major source of many diseases and millions of people die every year because of lack of safe drinking water. Water is contaminated because of the over industrialization and unwise disposal of industrial wastes to seas, rivers and streams. When cooking food using this water, germs enter into the bodies of the human and severe heath problems would be the result. Natural resources belong to all the people irrespective of the rich or poor, developed country or underdeveloped country. Nobody has the right to spoil the nature’s resources or deny the natural resources to others. Water, along with food and oxygen, is an essential component for sustaining life on earth. Human can survive even if they don’t have electricity. Animals are not enjoying the luxury of electricity and still they are able to survive. Moreover, electricity has come to the life of human only in the nineteenth century. In other words, Human was able to sustain their life even without electricity. On the other hand even without food we can survive for one or two weeks. But it is difficult to manage even a day without consuming water. So, in my

Thursday, September 26, 2019

Qs)I assume, for one thing, that there is a broad measure of agreement Essay

Qs)I assume, for one thing, that there is a broad measure of agreement that principles of justice should be chosen under certain conditions. (Rawls) Is it a f - Essay Example One of such greatly influential political philosophers of the twentieth century was John Rawls, who is thought by many to be the most important political philosopher of his time in the whole English-speaking world. More specifically, Rawls, influenced by such liberal and legal theorists as Isaiah Berlin and Herbert L. A. Hart, is widely known as the author of the almost revolutionary work "A Theory of Justice" (1971) in which he erased disciplinary lines and elaborated views which resurrected the academic interest to political philosophy. In fact, Rawls obtained the unique position among modern political philosophers as he is often referred to by politicians and in the courts. One of the main achievements of Rawls was his formulation of the two famous principles of justice as a proper solution of problems of distributive justice, which is preoccupied with determination of justice in the field of the allocation of goods and benefits within a society (Talisse, 2001, pp.3-22). However, there is a criticism of the approach of Rawls which, among other things, claims that Rawls cannot prove all the assumptions on which he builds his theory of justice. Let us take a closer look at the Rawls` principles of justice, and try to see whether the mentioned objection to Rawls constitutes a fatal one for his theory of justice. The main task of Rawls` "A Theory of Justice" was to offer a satisfying interpretation of the notion of political obligation under which citizens are compelled to follow the rules created by the state. While views of Rawls can be generally attributed to the rich social contract tradition, for him such a contract assumes a peculiar form as Rawls states that the social contract can be truly just if every member of society would agree with its terms without knowing beforehand which social position he or she would adopt. To prove his case, Rawls starts off his line of reasoning with mounting of a hypothetical case with which he attempts to show a possible

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Activity Based Cost accounting system Math Problem

Activity Based Cost accounting system - Math Problem Example In this case study, the supporting excel computations show that overhead using the traditional cost accounting procedure resulted only P137,994.00 for Lever, P22,079.04 for Spring, and finally P 16,559.28 for pump products. Total manufacturing cost also under the traditional or old fashioned cost accounting procedure resulted to the usual Direct Materials cost of the products P 510,000.00 for Lever, P163,200.00 for Spring, and P 139,200.00 for Pump. Another accounting cost for resulting from the Traditional Cost Accounting procedure is the Regular item Direct labor of P 2,160,000.00 for Lever, P163,200.00 for Spring and again P16,560.00 for Pump. The total manufacturing cost under the Traditional method is the sum of Direct Materials, Direct labor and Overhead. P2,807,994.00 for Lever, P348,479.04 for Spring, and finally P 172,319.28 for pump products. Under the Activity Based Costing, The first cost driver is called VOLUME DRIVER showing amount of P 286,000.00 for Lever, P45,760.00 for Spring and P 34,320.00 for Pump. Another driver in this systems is the PURCHASING DRIVER. The purchasing cost for Lever products is P 14,810,000.00 and P2,369,600 for Spring and, the last item, P 1,777,200.00 for Pump. The next driver is the SET UP driver. Set up driver cost are P 38,533,000.00 and P 6,165,280.00 for Spring and of course P 4,623,960.00 for the last item, Pump. The cost drivers are higher than the total manufacturing cost of the traditional cost accounting system. In this new system, the cost factors can easily be traced to determine what the effects of these costs are to over all manufacturing operations. Some cost activities that will not help in the manufacturing process but sometimes, their costs are included in the factory cost of production in error. The Purchasing cost driver will display if the inventory cost is too high or too low or even unnoticed thus affecting the decision making process of management. Traditional Cost Accounting Direct Materials Lever (100,000

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Contingency leadership theories and contemporary leadership Essay

Contingency leadership theories and contemporary leadership - Essay Example This research will begin with the statement that the general definition of contingency theories is that it is a class of behavioral theory. More so, contingency theory is a process of trying to identify and measure the conditions under which things or circumstances are likely to occur. These behavioral theories claim that there is no perfect way of organizing a corporation and the organizational structure of the company. An organizational or leadership style that is effective in some situations may differ from other organizations. This is so because organizations are different in structure and size. Therefore, the best way of having an organized organization is contingently depending on the external and internal situation of the company. This is the case because; external environments have numerous impacts on an organization in numerous ways. Critical external factors include the size of the organization, availability, labor markets, cost of capital, competitors, strategies, governme ntal laws and policies, managerial assumptions about employees, technologies used, and other diverse situations. Traditional leadership theories elaborated on leadership as nature borne of individual and established on the impossibility to create such attributes on a grown individual as illuminated by the great man theory, whilst a contrasting theory of the behavioral implicates on the possibility of an individual to be a leader as shown through traits.... Commonly, the contingency, transformational, and transactional approaches derive the best results whenever forecasting on the capabilities of an individual (CDR Associates, 2007:7). However, changes in leadership are continuously emerging because of the dynamics in the environment and acquisition of skill. Authenticity, building of trust and relationships are the modern approaches to effective organizational leadership. The cognitive perspective approach assigns that follower’s posses shared beliefs about a leader’s behaviors and beliefs about their leaders’ behaviors and traits (Gilbert, 2003:443). This influences how the followers encode information about their leaders by targeting the quality of ideas, quantity of speech and leaders ability to open up for friendliness. This means that the leader’s behavior influences his follower’s behaviors who perceive the reflection that leadership offers. Therefore, a leader should have the capability of buil ding up healthy and ethical relationships that would interconnect the personnel to a single group targeting to deliver performances to enhance organizational performances (Gill, 2010:50). The leader should remain emphatic to employees and avoid biases that would divide the employees. In order to ensure that the company performs obligations to the fullest, the leader should bear motivational characteristics and avoid any act that would seem to induce pressure on the personnel (Collins & O'Rourke, 2009:16). Though scholars had their own perspective of leadership, the bottom line of each of them was that every organization despite the size should have an efficient and outstanding leader. This is the case because efficient managerial leadership influences

Monday, September 23, 2019

Essays Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Essays - Essay Example A "hit" occurs when the new information presents a match with the data already entered into the database. Maintained by the Federal Bureau of Investigation, IAFIS is the acronym for The Integrated Automated Fingerprint Identification System. It is the biggest biometric database in the world. It is used by all jurisdictions which is a tremendous help in identifying suspects at crime scenes. In addition to fingerprints is also houses a criminal history database. The IAFIS provides "automated fingerprint search capabilities, latent searching capability, electronic image storage, and electronic exchange of fingerprints and responses, 24 hours a day, 365 days a year". (United States Department of Justice-Federal Bureau of Investigation) CODIS is the acronym for the Combined DNA Index System. It is responsible for exchanging and comparing DNA evidence in violent crime scene investigations by and between crime labs within the United States and several international law enforcement agencies. A. Step One - Planning and Direction. The intelligence/analytical process begins and must be run from identifying the main focus of the intelligence. It is responsible for delivering the final product to the law enforcement unit that is requesting it.

Sunday, September 22, 2019

Proposed Market Entry Strategy Essay Example for Free

Proposed Market Entry Strategy Essay 1. Executive Summary The use of air conditioning is widespread since it does not only provide appropriate room temperature for electrical equipments that make internet and telecommunication works but also provide comfortable atmosphere for cooling rooms in a houses, trade centers, office buildings and many others. The situation reveals that air conditioning equipments have vital roles in society. However, the use of air conditioning devices is associated with high costs since they consume large power of electrical current. Under such circumstances, the development of efficient cooling and purifying devices become the next stage in the air cooling and purifying development. One of air purifying and cooling products available in the market is EnerVent ®, which developed by Northridge Enterprise. The company understands that to win customers’ hearts, there are four key features that EnerVent ® should possess; they are true Fresh air delivery, low costs and low heating air conditioning in compact design, high quality of air purifiers that are not merely circulating the same air in a room, and capability to eliminate harmful gases, mold, and germs. Concerning the issue, this paper has elaborated several issues concerning the market entry strategy for EnerVent ® including target markets, market potential, competitive market analysis, marketing objectives, marketing mix strategy (product, place, promotion, and place) 2. Introduction 2.1. Development of Air Conditioning and Purifying Products Nowadays, the discussion over the benefits of the sophisticated information technology including computers and telecommunications on business and communication is an endless topic in seminars or exhibitions. However, in order to work properly, such equipments need low-temperature in order to prevent overheating so that the use of high-power air conditioning is vast in the equipment rooms. In addition to the use of air conditioning devices for cooling rooms, they also provide comfortable atmosphere for cooling rooms in a houses, trade centers, office buildings and many others. The situation reveals that air conditioning equipments have vital roles in society. This makes sense since the use of air conditioning is widespread and easily found in almost every place that provide comfortable atmosphere. According to ARI CoolNet, air conditioning has several functional benefits as following: ï‚ § Providing personal comfort ï‚ § Improving productivity in the workplace where it relates to the comfortable place the air conditioning provides ï‚ § Increasing good medical and health services ï‚ § Helping vendors to preserve fresh and frozen foods like seafood, frozen potatoes, sausage an many others ï‚ § Protecting electrical equipment from excessive heating Since the use of air conditioning, previously called as manufactured air, is vital in day-to-day activities, it becomes a significant invention in human history. However, recent air conditioning or ventilation products do not end in the development of fancy casing or cooler temperature but also in several values added features. For example, the invention of Plasma cluster technology, which is capable of killing 99-percent bacterium and viruses including Aviation flue viruses, becomes the Sharps’ competitive advantage that generate revenue for the Japanese company’s air conditioning and cooling products including refrigerators, chillers, air conditioner, air purifiers, to name a few. However, the use of air conditioning products is associated with high costs since they consume large power of electrical current. Under such circumstances, the development of efficient cooling and purifying devices become the next stage in the air cooling and purifying development. 2.2. EnerVent ® Products EnerVent ® is manufactured to fulfill the need for efficient ventilation system that has several features including compact design (small) and lightweight compared to existing whole house and individual room air conditioning system. The EnerVent ® has favorable tagline that clearly target particular customers as following: There is nothing like fresh air from open windows on a Spring day. Yet high heating and air conditioning costs keep homes sealed tight to save money. Harmful odors, gases, mold, and germs stay in. Even quality air purifiers can only clean and circulate the same air. The EnerVent ® system offers the best of both worlds, bringing in and circulating out up to 12 true air exchanges daily without a significant energy penalty† The EnerVent ® jargon suggests that there are four features that the company concerns when developing EnerVent ®; they are Fresh air delivery, low costs and low heating air conditioning in compact design, high quality of air purifiers that are not merely circulating the same air in a room, and capability to eliminate harmful gases, mold, and germs. Concerning the size, Figure 1 shows example of several air conditioning designs that appear to be ‘usual’, large, and ‘compact’ design. (a) GMG (b) Delonghi Figure 1 Several Design of Existing Air Conditioning System Source: OK CHINA INDUSTRIAL LTD, 2007 In addition to size, competition in air conditioning system evolves into the provision of fresh air that circulate the true fresh air from the outside instead circulating the same air. This feature is significantly important since people have great concerns over the raising pollution because of industrial plants discard smoke, the forest fire, bad air-refreshing systems in a house, etc. Generally, air pollution in the U.S., to be precise, and other industrial countries is because acid rain in both the U.S. and Canada in which the US becomes a country that emits a large amount of carbon dioxide as the result of fossil fuels burning; limited resources of natural fresh water, water pollution due to pesticides and fertilizers (â€Å"Air pollution from other countries drifts into USA†, 2005). Concerning the capability of eliminating odor, EnerVent ® also present attractive features since the product is capable of eliminating harmful odors, gases, mold, and germs. In the market, this feature is best represented by Sharp’s Plasma cluster product as shown in the Figure 2. (a) Sharp FU40SEK (b) Sharp FU-S40TA Figure 2 Sharp Air Purifier with Plasma cluster technology Source: Callde, 2007; Pantipmarket, 2007 3. Target Markets Since EnerVent ® has particular characteristics that present the â€Å"true† fresh air to either â€Å"whole houses† and â€Å"individual room†, therefore, the target market for EnerVent ® is as following: ï‚ § Brand of Products : True fresh air like one from open windows on a Spring day Eliminate harmful odors, gases, mold, and germs stay in Low energy consumption ï‚ § Customers’ Preferences : People who concern about the need for fresh air in a room that has capability to eliminate harmful materials at low operation costs ï‚ § Ages : above 25 (this is the age where people use their rational reasons when buying a product). This is important since home electronic industry are fulfilled with advertising that trick customers ï‚ § Income Levels : above $2,500 per month (considering that the price of air Purifying is above $100, see Figure 3) Figure 3 Air Purifier Source: Bizrate, 2007 4. Market Potential and Sales Forecast The market potential for air purifiers from EnerVent ® is people who concerns about the People who concern about the need for fresh air in a room that has capability to eliminate harmful materials at low operation costs. The description suggests that EnerVent ® target both high-end customers since they are more concern about complete features regardless the price and low-end customers since they concern about low-operational costs despite high ownership costs. For high end customers, they realize that air pollution is more influencing the children than adult. All of U.S. researchers open their study about finding the polluted air impact at the children. It is believed that air pollution make the children lung become smaller. This evidence assures that air pollution own the chronic impact. In addition, this impact will be permanent at all of the children until they become adult (â€Å"Air Pollution Might Affect Lung Development in Children, Study Finds†, 2004). Bad air quality give the negative impact to the environmental quality and the financial loss because of the air pollution is not small. Because financially, air pollution will improve the cost, which must be become the responsibility of society. It can be in the form of medical expense for pain suffered, decreasing of the work productivity as an effect of air pollution, and decreasing of the prosperity life. Due to the fact that air pollution may provide unfavorable condition for an entire family; therefore, Northridge Enterprise has wide market potential to sell EnerVent ®, the true air purifier. To be specific the market potential for EnerVent ® is as following: 4.1. Middle and High Class market, Offices and Buildings There are many considerations in the minds of consumers when they are buying air conditioning product. In most parts of the world, air conditioning is the consumption of middle and high-class families, buildings and offices. For these people, cost is not the prime factor of consideration. It is quality that concerns them the most. In the light of this consideration, the Enervent will only gain small portion of the market in this segment because there are many air conditioning products which have better features and higher capacity to regulate air in larger offices. The Enervent on the other hand, can only regulate air in a limited space because it does not have the capability of producing cool air as a regular air conditioning machine. There are however, mid and high class households and small offices that prefer to use air purifier because they like the natural atmosphere of their houses and offices. These are generally smaller establishments or places which have plenty, but small to medium-sized rooms. This represents an opportunity for Enervent to enter the medium and high class households, buildings and offices. The opportunity however, is very small compare to the entire market of air conditioning equipment in the medium and high class market. 4.2. Medium and Lower Income Families Air conditioning needs are not the sole demands of medium and high-class establishments. In the modern realm where people’s desire for quality has been considerably enhanced, the need for air conditioning spreads to the low income families and offices. This represents a better opportunity for Enervent to gain larger portion of the market. This is true because for low income families and low-budget offices, the cost of having a full fledged air conditioning system can be quite overwhelming. In previous times, they generally switch to air purifier products because they are cheaper and do not consume too much electricity. However, the presence of the Enervent creates new and better alternative. These people could gain better quality than average air purifiers and pay cheaper costs than the average air conditioner products (Ward, 2007). 4.3. The market for Air Regulator Machines The rapid development of economy in various regions of the world generated massive demands for air conditioning products. In some markets, the air conditioning products are displaying a rapid increase, like the Indian market and Saudi Arabian. They are potential markets because of their geographic conditions and their economic development. On the other hand, there are also markets that displayed declining tendencies in the air conditioning market development because of the over-crowded markets, like China. In Europe, United States and most of the Asian countries displayed stable or otherwise mild development in the air conditioning market (Wind of Change, 2006). The product is, on the other hand, a revolutionary product filling a niche between the high cost air conditioning equipment and the simple air purifier machine. In a sense it has similar but different markets than those of the air conditioner products. Because of the revolutionary nature of the industry, and the contributions from low income, middle and high class markets elaborated above, I believe that the product will take over approximately 5-10% of the air conditioning market in the end of the first year. Furthermore, being the sole producer of Enervent, then the sales number of the company will be similar to that percentage. For instance, if the US air conditioning market is worth US$ 1 billion annually, then Enervent will generate a sales number of US$ 50-100 million. 5. Competitive Market Analysis The air conditioning industry is a global industry. Most of the modern countries plus several of the developing countries witnessed rapid growth of their air national air conditioning industry. In Saudi Arabia for example, demands for air conditioners is the highest in the world. Analysts have stated that the Saudi Arabian market has become a unique investment opportunities for foreign investors. Although not exactly alike, similar rate of growth can be witnessed in India and other developing countries (Saudi Aircon, 2007). Despite the rapid growth of the industry, Enervent cannot expect to gain the full benefit of the market development. The direct competitor of Enervent is air conditioning itself. Despite their significantly higher prices, they have larger capacity of regulating temperature and the condition of large rooms. Modern air conditioning is also equipped with various features that do not exist in Enervent, like self cleaning device, etc. Furthermore, air conditioning has a better and more widespread reputation that Enervent, which is a new and unpopular product. The competitive advantages of Enervent against the direct competitor are price and efficiency. The product is considerably cheaper, lighter and more far more electricity efficient than the average air conditioning machine. Indirect competitor of Enervent is the cheaper and simpler air purifier. The low cost and electricity efficient device is also quite popular as alternative of air conditioners. They generate significantly less cost than the average air conditioner, but cannot act as a temperature regulator. Many considered that the air purifier and the air conditioner market is not the same. Nevertheless, they are the same. Air purifier is an indirect competitor of both the air conditioner market and Enervent. Enervent has the advantage of temperature control with similarly low cost and efficient electricity compare to the air purifier. In addition to the analysis above, there are also other factors in the air conditioner industry that generates opportunities for Enervent to grow, they are: †¢ The emerging new styles of offices In the modern world, people are not satisfied having the same offices as other companies. In order to facilitate such a need for creative office design. The trend toward more stylish offices generates more complicated buildings with less ventilation. Pursuing efficiency, more employees are stationed in smaller rooms. These conditions generated the need for larger capacities of air conditioning. This is logical because managers have realized that poor air quality in the workplace could result in lack of productivity and worse, sickness (Cunningham, 1986). The necessity for more air conditioning system generates more demands of air conditioning machines. However, because companies are constantly searching for ways to enhance efficiency, their attention turn toward products which can deliver similar performance in air conditioning with less prices and more electricity efficient performance. This leads to opportunities for the newly designed Enervent, an air conditioning machine which are significantly cheaper and much more electricity efficient (Piercy, 1982). †¢ New Competitors The highly competitive environment is created by various factors. For one, the amount of players within the industry also plays a great role in shaping the competitive atmosphere. In the air conditioning market, Far Eastern manufacturers have improved their manufacturing capabilities by cooperating with Japanese producers. The new entrants are expected to influence the European market aggressively by means of targeting an established distributor. These new entrants have significantly lower price structures, thus allowing them to deliver cheaper prices to consumers. This leads to harder and more competitive atmosphere in the industry of both air conditioning machines and air purifier machines. In a sense, this also influences Enerven as an alternative between the two products. 6. Marketing Objectives The hardest mission of a marketer in getting the product accepted and recognized within the local environment. The Enervent is a new product with revolutionary technology. Its first year in the market should be the year of promotion and market penetration. Therefore the marketing objectives should be: †¢ Establish presence in local environment There are various factors that could influence how a product will result revenues and profits within its market. Each local environment has different preferences of how products should be. It is important for Enervent to win the hearts of local society by collaborating with local culture and traditions. The failure to achieve that will create poor and undeveloped sales performance. Thus, one of the most important and early marketing objective should be how to generate connection with local markets (Korey, 1986). †¢ Discover new channel of distributions and marketing In the first year of marketing, new products should be brought throughout the markets using various channels and means of transportations. Getting to know the local infrastructure and how will it affect the business is very much important. Thus, discovering new channel of promotion and distribution is also an important objective (Koney, 1986) †¢ Create a distinction Establishing presence and discovering new channels are usually not enough to get the product running and generate revenues and profits. The product needs features or appearance that will differentiate it from other products. This activity is called brand designing (Keegan, 1989). 7. Marketing Mix In the following chapter I will use existing information to make an assessment of how Enervent should be sold. This assessment is important because it determines the shape of the business offering toward consumers. Re-designing the business offerings has been the core purpose of performing a marketing mix analysis. In terms of Enervent, the following is suggested: 7.1. Product Positioning Strategy Enervent should be well promoted to reflect capabilities of the new and revolutionary product. As implied in previous chapters, the product should be advertised as a brilliant alternative to air conditioning and air purifier. It is the combination of both worlds which brings the best of them. The product can also be advertised as the new revolution in air conditioning. The advertising campaign would have to generate the image that Enervent is the next generation of low cost, low energy air conditioning (Keegan, 1989). As mentioned in previous chapter, the product has different opportunities in different segments of the market. Therefore, there is a need to perform different emphasize on different segments of the market. In the medium to high-class households, buildings and offices, the company should focus on promoting the product as a smart replacement of the average air conditioning system because of its air temperature management capabilities and its low cost and energy efficient nature. This would attract those customers which prefer to maintain the naturality of their environments as mentioned before. On the other hand, in the low-income households and offices, the product should be promoted as the new generation of air conditioning. The product should be promoted as the new and brilliant evolution toward environmental friendliness and quality preservation. Because the company is forecasted to generate more sales in this segment, this characteristic of product positioning (as a revolutionary new generation of air conditioning) should be the main scenario of marketing. Other processes within the product positioning activities which require attention includes: paying attention to manufacturing specifications, labeling and packaging to represent the target market we are aiming and the position of our product. The product must also be tested first before it enters the market. Analysts also suggested that the product should be matched with its surrounding environment, whether in times of sale or distribution. For instance, products that travel through the road should contain different specifications and equipments to products that travel through air (Keegan, 1989). 7.2. Pricing Strategy In marketing mix, price is considered as one of the factor that contributes to the total value of product offering. Despite the high quality of the product, if the pricing strategy does no reflect value (which means the value gained from the purchase is greater than the value of money sacrificed for the purchase), then customers would not be appealed to the product. Price has been the most important consideration in buying air conditioner machines for years. Because of the highly advanced technology and the power needed to perform the task of regulating air throughout the surrounding environment, the average air conditioners cost quite a fortune. In terms of Enervent, I propose a new set of pricing considerations which emphasis on acknowledgement of the segments in which the product will be marketed. In other words, the pricing strategy should reflect discounts, bonuses, price competitiveness, etc. Nevertheless, managers cannot ignore the importance of having a valuable product. The psycography of customers sometimes generates new understanding over the behavior of consumers. For one, consumer often mistaken quality with price. Often we find that if we charge higher, people would buy the product more. Managers in charge of the pricing strategy must have considerable sensitiveness toward the behavior of his/her customers. 7.3. Distribution strategy Distribution is also a factor in marketing and selling products. Companies must have provided their officers with sufficient funding in order to prevent lack of funding in the delivery process. Often, the assignment on distribution is in line with order processing stages. In a sense, distribution is an inseparable part of order processing and the process is not over until the products are delivered successfully to customers. In terms of exporting the Enervent, managers of the distribution process should prepare all the necessary export preparation and documentation. Often shipments failed because of the lack of diligence in preparing the required documentation (Basche, 1971). Distribution management includes managing the cost of distribution. In we are to export Enervent as a part of our central operations, than it is important for us to assign the distribution cost to the recipient instead of to our own cost structure. Forwarding freight is crucial in distribution management. Managers of distribution process must also pay attention to other supporting issues like insurance and arbitration. The lack consideration of these small factors could generate problems in later days. In distributing the Enervent, we must also consider the fact that inventory support is crucial for distribution process. Inventory management and warehousing strategies must be accounted to the nature of the product to prevent losses or diminished product quality. 7.4. Promotional activities In terms of advertising and promotion, we have discussed the need to represent Enervent in different ways for different market segments. On the other hand, if reality forces us to choose, we must choose to represent the largest demands on the market. In the Enevernet case, this means promoting the product as the new generation of air conditioning. Promotions can be performed through ‘indirect forms’, like literature, direct mail, etc. There are also a more direct form of promotion which includes exhibitions and trade shows. Often, the presence of a good sales force is also influential to promotional activities. In marketing Enervent, managerial abilities to motivate sales forces are important to promotional activities. This is important considering the product is new in the market. Another way of motivating the promotional activities is by using agents. External agents who receive commissions are generally more motivated to do their job because of the compensation strategy. Reference †Air Pollution Might Affect Lung Development in Children, Study Finds.† 2004. Retrieved May 9, 2007 from ARI CoolNet. â€Å"Air Conditioning: Improving the Way We Live.† Retrieved May 9, 2007 from Basche, J.R. Jr. Export Marketing Services and Costs. 1971. New York: The Conference Board, p4. Cunningham, M.T. Strategies for International Industrial Marketing. 1986. In D.W. Turnbull and J.P. Valla (eds.) Croom Helm p 9. Delonghi.  « Delonghi Portable Air Conditioners Delonghi Portable Air Conditioning.  » 2007. Retrieved May 7, from Korey, G. Multilateral Perspectives in International Marketing Dynamics. 1986. European Journal of Marketing, Vol. 20, No. 7, pp 34-42 Keegan, W.J. Global Marketing Management. 1989. Prentice Hall International Editions. OK CHINA INDUSTRIAL LTD. â€Å"Wholesale Air conditioner.† 2007. Retrieved May 7, 2007 from Piercy, N. Company Internationalisation: Active and Reactive Exporting. 1982. European Journal of Marketing, Vol. 15, No. 3, pp 26-40. Saudi Aircon 2007. 2007. Riyadh Exhibitions. Retrieved May 9, 2007 from â€Å"US Market for Air Conditioning.† Worldwide Market Intelligence. Retrieved May 9, 2007 from leaflet.pdf Ward, Susan. â€Å"How to Find and Master a Niche Market.† 2007. Retrieved May 9, 2007 from â€Å"Wind of change in air-conditioning market.† 2006. China Economic Net. Retrieved May 9, 2007 from

Saturday, September 21, 2019

Elements of packaging Essay Example for Free

Elements of packaging Essay There are six components of packaging which consumer was asked to rank according to his preferences. Consumers have ranked the most preferred components by 1 and least preferred by 6. The data analysis for this ranking has been done by calculating the total of the response in each category. The least total will be the highly preferred attributes because it would have received first ranking more than any other. One the basis of the same we can see Colour is a component that received maximum of first rank (20), second rank (19) and third rank (13) and hence its total is least. Whereas Text is the least preferred attribute as it has received six rank 30 times and its total is maximum of all the attributes. The second attractive components for respondents were graphics followed by shape, size and material. Figure III. 11: Elements of Packaging When the preference ranking of the components of packaging was compared on the basis of gender an interesting fact came into the picture. For both the categories of respondents the preferred factor was Colour. But the following factor has been different in each case. Female on one hand preferred graphics after Colour on the other hand male preferred shape after Colour. The third preferred elements for male respondents are graphics whereas for female respondents it is packaging material. Size of the package is the fourth preferred element for female respondents while for male it is material. At last text is the element least preferred by both the gender groups. Figure III. 12: Elements of Packaging (Gender Specific) Elements of Packaging (Ethnic Background Specific). For respondents from Asian background Colour is the most important aspect of the packaging followed by shape, material, graphics, size and text respectively. Figure III. 13: Elements of Packaging (Asian) As one can see in Figure III. 14, Colour is the most important aspect for White community for packaging. Next to Colour is the graphics or images. Material of the material comes third in the preference list, followed by size, shape and text. Figure III. 14: Elements of Packaging (White) For the Black African community graphic, size and material are equally important and preferred. These are followed by Colour, shape and text of the packaging. Figure III. 15: Elements of Packaging (Black African) Respondents of Black others community feel that shape is the most important aspect of packaging followed by Colour. Graphics and size is equally important after Colour, followed by material of packaging. Text is least important component. Figure III. 16: Elements of Packaging (Black Other) Others prefer Colours most from all the aspects of packaging. It is followed by size. Shape and graphics are equally important after size o the packaging. Text is least important while material is fifth in the row. Figure III. 17: Elements of Packaging (Others) Elements of Packaging (Rank Specific) This section compares the elements o packaging and ethnic background on the basis of ranking. As seen below, colour has been ranked first by majority of Asian and White community people. Difference among various ethnic group and their preferences is evident here. Figure III. 18: Elements of Packaging (Rank 1) Asian marked shape as second on their ranking while variance within white community for this rank can be seen from the graph. Figure III. 19: Elements of Packaging (Rank 2) For rank three size has been the preferred element for Asian community where as for white it was colour graphics and size equally important. Figure III. 20: Elements of Packaging (Rank 3) Majority of respondents from White community ranked shape on fourth preferred element. Differences among various ethnic groups are evident in the figure below. Figure III. 21: Elements of Packaging (Rank 4) Text and Material are the element of packaging which were ranked fifth by majority of respondents followed by size and shape. Figure III. 22: Elements of Packaging (Rank 5) Text has been the least preferred element of packaging by most of the ethnic background. Figure III. 23: Elements of Packaging (Rank 6) I. i. Qualitative Research Qualitative research was based on the interview conducted by the researcher to the employee of Mark Spencers Ms. Trudi Barnes, who works as a packaging developer. I. i. a. Interviewing procedure The interview was based on structured questionnaire with majority of open ended question allowing the respondent think and respond on each and every question. The interview was scheduled on the post lunch hour as the crowd in the store is least during this period. Researcher noted down each and every response of the respondent with the help of pen and paper. Interview took approximately 45 minutes to complete. Respondent has been very cooperative for the interview session. It started with the general introduction about the research, its aims and objectives. The respondent has been told about her rights to withdraw from the interview if she feels uncomfortable in any way. She has been clarified that this data will be used for this particular study only and if in any case it is being utilized for any other purpose she would be informed and her consent would be taken for that. I. i. b. Interview questions The packaging developer’s job is to find out and understand the packaging requirement from the buyer and brief the internal design studio about the same. She has been converting the client specifications to the design specification and working as a link between the consumer and designer of the organization. Design studio looks at all the criteria of de3signing from the customer needs to the art work complications, design set and corporate guidelines. The packaging Developer than gets the designs from them and ensures that the packaging is appropriate for the product from technological point of view and pass it to the printer which actually prints it. As respondent states, â€Å"It’s the suppliers who pay for the packaging and we just set the design for them. † For the respondent her job is quite interesting. Her area is mainly the Menswear its accessories Footwear and Kids wear its accessories. Accessories like hats, cufflinks, watches hankies. The Colour and design is decided only by the design studio. In the month of February itself she was about to brief the autumn packaging out of which some will go into Christmas corporate design. She states â€Å"It’s the design Studio which does the research before making decision. It goes worldwide to find out the trends develop a design. † Her statement â€Å"I dont know exactly why the Colour of MS bags was changed to purple this Christmas where as last Christmas it was red. Colour palette for an occasion is picking out Colour for carrier bags the store deco. But my packaging was in Red with White Snow Flakes on it. It was also decided by the design studio (red background). † Indicates that design studio works independently without interference of any other department including her as even she is not involve in major changes done with the designs of packaging. She provides inputs to the design studio on which they work as her statement â€Å"When I put in the briefing then the design studio develop the look for Menswear/women swear but they both are treated differently as the menswear is more masculine women’s wear in more feminine. It is similar Colours but with slight difference. When asked whether or not packaging influence consumers she immediately responded â€Å"Packaging does influence customers. † She further elaborated that â€Å"They (consumers) have always challenged us to be clearer on our swing tickets. We got shout that our Natural material and fabric should shout the benefits. (Complaints like product benefits should be clear should provide all product related information)† She talked more about swing tickets which are the little card hanging of the garment. According to her it is important that the customer should get the right information about the product. She explains that impulse purchase will be different in different areas of retail organization. In her area Hankies are one of the impulse purchase made by the customers since it is quite traditional gift. She explains further â€Å"believe or not lots of hankies are sold during Christmas time. Eg: 2 packs are launched for Fathers Day. I am launching Card dispensers which will be full of hankies. We start with outstanding value hankies then the novelty new designs are coming out as well. † when asked about relationship between festivals and their products she responded â€Å"I am not too clear with the question regarding the relationship between festivals our products all right so products like cufflinks in Menswear will be in red pink or even a heart shape during Valentines. † According to her gifts are divided into various segments like corporate and personal apart from the routine segments like men’s women’s and so on. â€Å"Display box corporate design promotions are going on in the store deco. Pink Red is the Colour for these valentines especially on foods a lot many things are there. † She responded on the importance of graphics and Colours that each of these factors is equally important. According to her, â€Å"Both Colour graphics are equally important. Gift items which are put into boxes are there in Menswearso I think probably its the design/graphics that attract the customer the most the customer feels yeah I could buy this. it puts a gift idea into the customers mind. † According to the respondent success can be attached to the packaging of the product but not the failure as failure of any product will be due to product itself not its packaging. Success or failure of a product is obviously measured by the sales. Organization put constant effort to understand the reasons of drop in the sales and looks look at everything the product, packaging and what its saying on the packaging. We plan constantly. During the festival season organization focuses on various product categories on which sales is expected. Menswear mainly focus on Christmas, Valentines and the major one is the Fathers Day. Respondent agrees to the changes in Colour used for packaging during special occasions. For instance on Fathers Day the Colour is changed but she doesn’t control the decision of the Colour. It’s the design studio. Design studios show us some scenes but they do the research from design trends.

Friday, September 20, 2019

The Sydney Opera House Tourism Essay

The Sydney Opera House Tourism Essay The Sydney Opera House is one of the most popular tourist attractions in Australia and produces more than 7 million tourists/people visiting the venue each year. The Sydney Opera House offers a variety of difference shows and performances as well as guided tours, which enables each visitor to explore the vast creation inside one of the worlds most recognisable buildings. Around 1.2 million people attend the many performances and shows, and over 318, 000 people take part of the guided tours available. The Sydney Opera House is also proudly, State, National and World Heritage listed. However, there are many threats that this iconic Australian icon encounters, including such issues as, conservation, and climate change. These different issues threaten the iconic building for future patrons and therefore need to be taken care of in order to maintain Australias most recognisable and best known iconic landmark. The Sydney Opera House has become, with the Sydney Harbour Bridge, Sydneys best-known landmark and international symbol (The Sydney Opera House, 2011). It is known as one of Australias iconic monuments and is one of the busiest and well-known performing art centres not only Australia, but the world. Each year, the Sydney Opera House provides over 1500 varying performance each year. It is located on Bennelong Point in Sydney Harbour, in sight of the Sydney Harbour Bridge and is also situated on the northern eastern point of the Sydney central business district (CBD). The Sydney Opera House is a performing arts centre envisioned and largely created by a Danish architect, JÃ ¸rn Utzon. However, designed in 1959, it took a total of 14 years to be completed and was official opened in 1973 by Queen Elizabeth II. The Sydney Opera House, being a performing arts centre, promotes and supports a variety of performing arts companies, and with seven primary venues, offers audiences the opportunity to experience the very best of the many different art forms performed (Sydney Opera House 08/09 Annual Report, 2009). As well as the actual Sydney Opera House, visitors are able to experience the harbour side area that offers a variety of attractions such as shopping, dining and entertainment. An estimated 45 million people have attended over 100,000 the Sydney Opera House since its opening in 1973 as well as an estimated 100 million people visiting the actual site (Sydney Opera House 08/09 Annual Report, 2009). Regular tours of the construction are conducted daily and many paths and forms of transport was available, leading back towards the CBD through the Botanic Gardens, which is another well known tourist attraction in Sydney. The Sydney Opera House provides Sydney with a vast number of tourists domestically and internationally throughout the whole year, which provides great exposure to many restaurants, bars and hotels that surround the Harbour. Hotels like the Park Hyatt, Quay Grand Suites Sydney, the Shangri-La Hotel Sydney and The Four Seasons Hotel Sydney; all benefit from the exposure the Sydney Opera House gains from the estimated 7 million patrons visiting the area each year, creating a link with the hospitality and tourism industry of Sydney. SITUATION ANALYSIS Conservation The Sydney Opera House is a masterpiece of late modern architecture and an iconic building of the 20th century (The Sydney Opera House, 2011). It is nevertheless, an extraordinary building and not only the citys central cultural scene, but it is also admired world-wide and valued by the people of Australia. On the 28th June 2007, the Sydney Opera House was made a UNESCO World Heritage Site (Braithwaite, 2007). In 2003, Utzon was awarded the Pritzker Prize, an architects highest honour award, which stated; There is no doubt that the Sydney Opera House is his masterpiece. It is one of the great iconic buildings of the 20th century, an image of great beauty that has become known throughout the world a symbol for not only a city, but a whole country and continent. (Sydney Opera House, 2008) Climate change is the main concern that threatens World Heritage sites such as the Sydney Opera House (Daley, 2009). Since the Sydney Opera House is known as a World heritage Site, concerns about potential threats to the actual site are worrying. Such threats include; rising sea levels, increased ocean acidification, higher sea and land temperatures (global warming), and extreme weather events (National Trust, 2009). Because of the rising sea levels, there is a threat of the Sydney Opera House, sinking due to lack of stability. What would happen if the Sydney Opera House was not maintained and conserved? Would the economy differ? The Sydney Opera House relies solely on the patrons it attracts for the diverse performances and activities it provides, and the substantial iconic pull it has world-wide. The Sydney Opera House also provides customers for the surrounding dining (restaurants, bars etc), accommodation (hotels), transport (ferry, train, bus etc) and vast activities that are available in the harbour. The Sydney Opera House is one of the most eventful performing arts centres in the world, providing over 1, 500 performances each year, and therefore attended by an estimated 2 million people, who intern provide the revenue for different events that occur in and around the Opera House, as well as the many hospitality industries also surrounding the venue. Conservation: Recommendations for Improvement In regards to the sea levels rising, the president of the Australian chapter of the International Council on Monuments and Sites, Peter Phillips states that, If sea levels rise, they will all be gone. We want the Minister to realise that there are genuine threats but there are genuine solutions. At its most extreme example, it could mean building a dam around the Opera House (Cooper, 2007). Obviously it is difficult to completely stop the impact of climate change on any Natural Heritage site; however, they are able to be saved for a minimum amount of money with a primary focus on maintenance. However, Comprehensive statutory and associated frameworks are in place across three levels of government to ensure that the present condition of the property is maintained to an exceptional standard (Sydney Opera House 08/09 Annual Report, 2009). They ensure that the building and surroundings are maintained through conservation programs, which are regularly undertaken. The Sydney Opera House Trust and the Australian and New South Wales Governments also thoroughly examine the maintenance situation throughout the year. The Sydney Opera House is ensured protection under various laws as it is listed as a Heritage site on National, State and Local government heritage lists and registers (Sydney Opera House 08/09 Annual Report, 2009). CONCLUSION The Sydney Opera House is instantaneously recognised by a vast number of people around the world as one of the most internationally acclaimed symbolic buildings in the world today. The significance of the building does not only relate to the city if Sydney or even Australia, but the nation as a whole. The Pritzker Price officially recognises that the Sydney Opera House was one of the great iconic buildings of the twentieth century and that it was an image of great beauty known throughout the world (Sydney Opera House 08/09 Annual Report, 2009). APENDIX I Key Dates for the Sydney Opera House Key Dates Achievements 1957 JÃ ¸rn Utzon wins Sydney Opera House design competition (January) 1959 Work begins on Stage 1 building the foundations despite Utzons protest that plans were not finalised (March 1966 JÃ ¸rn Utzon resigns (February) 1973 First guided tours of Sydney Opera House (July) First performance in Sydney Opera House Australian Opera performed Prokofievs War and Peace in the Opera Theatre (September) Opening Ceremony and Royal Concert with HRH Queen Elizabeth II and the Duke of Edinburgh (October 20) 1979 Concert Hall Grand Organ completed (May) 1999 Opening of The Studio new venue for contemporary performing arts (March) JÃ ¸rn Utzon is re-engaged and appointed design consultant to the Sydney Opera House (August) 2000 Sydney Opera House Producers Unit established (October) 2002 Sydney Opera House Utzon Design Principles published (May) 2003 Sydney Opera House Conservation Plan published (June) State Heritage Listing achieved (December) 2004 Backstage Tour launched (April) Utzon Room opened first venue at Sydney Opera House designed by JÃ ¸rn Utzon (September) Recording Studio opened (October) 2005 National Heritage Listing achieved (July) 2006 Asian Language Tour launched in Japanese, Korean, Mandarin (January) Colonnade opened by HRH Queen Elizabeth II designed by JÃ ¸rn Utzon, it is the first change to the exterior of the building since its completion in 1973 (March) 2007 World Heritage Listing achieved (June) The Essential Tour launched (October) 2008 Visionary Sydney Opera House architect, JÃ ¸rn Utzon dies peacefully in his sleep (November) 2009 Western Foyers fully refurbished (July)

Thursday, September 19, 2019

Free College Admissions Essays: The Outreach Program :: College Admissions Essays

College Admissions: The Outreach Program The Panuluyan was a real eye-opener for me. It made me become aware of the things, which I have normally taken for granted. It was so surprising to see how much little they have, yet at the same time they cherish each little blessing they receive and they never cease to be grateful for what is given to them. It made me see that it was easier to please those who have less, because they expect less. The trip to Camarin also made me realize how much different we are, yet very much the same. We have different concerns, different views, and different standard of happiness. But at the same time all of us have the same basic needs, has his own dreams, needs to be loved, longs to be free from struggle and pain, and desires to be happy. We are two planes on the same ground. One thing that struck me was the warmth and hospitality they have shown and given us. They welcome us to their home ad treat us like guests. They serve us food and drinks alongside with their profuse apology "pasensya na ho kayo, ito lang ang kaya namin", although they might not have enough for themselves. They are very thankful for the help our school has given to their children, which might be one reason why they wanted us to be as comfortable as possible. On the house our group was assigned to, we noticed that sandals and slippers were removed before entering the house. We asked the owner if it was necessary for us to remove our shoes since the path leading to their house was muddy, but she hastily replied "ay wag na po! 'wag na!" So we just wiped our shoes and entered the house with it. It was only when we entered the house, not more than the size of my room, did we realize that the same place we stood was also where they slept! And we trampled it with our muddy shoes. Despite their situation, I noticed that the people in Camarin are generally happy. Everyone in the barangay knows everyone, the neighbors help each other out; families back each other up and are always there for each other. Even their goals are selfless. The woman we talked to only wishes for her children to finish school and hopefully have a 'better' life in the near future. Free College Admissions Essays: The Outreach Program :: College Admissions Essays College Admissions: The Outreach Program The Panuluyan was a real eye-opener for me. It made me become aware of the things, which I have normally taken for granted. It was so surprising to see how much little they have, yet at the same time they cherish each little blessing they receive and they never cease to be grateful for what is given to them. It made me see that it was easier to please those who have less, because they expect less. The trip to Camarin also made me realize how much different we are, yet very much the same. We have different concerns, different views, and different standard of happiness. But at the same time all of us have the same basic needs, has his own dreams, needs to be loved, longs to be free from struggle and pain, and desires to be happy. We are two planes on the same ground. One thing that struck me was the warmth and hospitality they have shown and given us. They welcome us to their home ad treat us like guests. They serve us food and drinks alongside with their profuse apology "pasensya na ho kayo, ito lang ang kaya namin", although they might not have enough for themselves. They are very thankful for the help our school has given to their children, which might be one reason why they wanted us to be as comfortable as possible. On the house our group was assigned to, we noticed that sandals and slippers were removed before entering the house. We asked the owner if it was necessary for us to remove our shoes since the path leading to their house was muddy, but she hastily replied "ay wag na po! 'wag na!" So we just wiped our shoes and entered the house with it. It was only when we entered the house, not more than the size of my room, did we realize that the same place we stood was also where they slept! And we trampled it with our muddy shoes. Despite their situation, I noticed that the people in Camarin are generally happy. Everyone in the barangay knows everyone, the neighbors help each other out; families back each other up and are always there for each other. Even their goals are selfless. The woman we talked to only wishes for her children to finish school and hopefully have a 'better' life in the near future.

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Macbeth, Act 4 Scene 2 Importance :: essays research papers

ACT IV SCENE 2   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚     Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  This scene plays a very important piece of the play. This is when we see how cold hearted and evil Macbeth is, and also how this action that Macbeth performs will change the outcome of his life later on in this play. For this scene Macduff swears revenge on Macbeth and as we know this is why Macbeth dies in the play.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  In this scene Lady Macduff and Macduff's son are arguing on why Lady Macduff believes that her husband is a traitor and deserves the worse punishment. She believes that Macduff left them unprotected without caring of their well being, which turns out to be some what true. The son of Macduff, even do his age was too young to understand, believes otherwise of his dad and defends him until his death.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The Lady Macbeth and her son receive a very strange and unexpected visit from an unknown man which tells them that they are in danger and that they should leave somewhere safer. The message, as important as it is, was treated like a joke by Lady Macbeth which we know must have regretted it.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The murders appear and kill all of Macduff's family leaving no one alive. When Macduff receives the message he gets raged and swore to kill Macbeth. This is how the fate of Macbeth is written and how Macbeth kind of wrote his own death warrant by doing a point less evil act of greed and lust of power. Macbeths power went so high into his head, which he couldn't keep control of it and finally ended with his life.

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Evaluation Tv in My Country (Uk)

TV in my Country There are two main purposes of TV: educating/informing people and entertaining people. In this essay, I will look at how well TV in Britain, my country, achieves those purposes. The first purpose of TV is to inform and educate viewers. TV stations should regularly present national and international news. In addition, they should educate people about current affairs, health, history and science. British TV stations have regular news coverage. They also have several shows that discuss the economy, politics and other current affairs issues, such as the BBC’s Question Time.In addition, there are several good shows about health matters. For example, I recently saw a program called Healthwatch on the BBC which informed viewers on how to reduce the risk of getting heart disease. What is more, there are some excellent programs about history on the BBC 2. To illustrate, last week I saw a program about Alexander the Great, which included many interesting facts about his life. For instance, he never lost a war in his life, and he started leading his army at the age of 16. Lastly, British TV has some excellent science shows. For example, two days ago I watched a program called Survival which is about nature.It showed how tigers look after their babies. Consequently, you can see from the above information that British TV stations are very effective at informing and educating viewers. Another purpose of TV is to entertain viewers. Good entertainment includes comedy shows, drama, movies, music shows and sports programs. British TV shows often show excellent comedy shows such as Friends. Furthermore, there are many drama shows, movies and music shows on British TV. For example, a popular show is Coronation Street which is a soap opera about the lives of ordinary people.British TV also has some excellent shows on sport. For example Match of the Day is a show which discusses the highlights of football matches that took place earlier in the day. However, t here are very few live football games on British TV. Therefore, I can say that British TV performs very well at entertaining people. On the other hand, I would be happy if there were more live football games. In short, British TV is excellent at its purpose of educating and informing viewers. It is also generally effective at entertaining people. However, there should be more live football games.

Monday, September 16, 2019

Why do people do what they love doing for their profession

Why do people do what they love doing for their profession, rather than working at a job that will get them more money? Or why did people who get a lot of money from their job not follow their dream careers? Everyday men and women of all ages and aspirations start their paths on their future goals, life careers, and who they plan to be. But at what cost? Every day I see men and women choosing their careers. Careers that pay well.And careers that re the most enjoyable and fulfilling but doses t pay the best. I don't go a day without thinking about my future and what it will have in Store for me. It always seems so easy at first. Just choose a career and off I go. But there remains the temptations, the regrets, that hole in your heart. That last missing puzzle piece that you don't know what it is or where to find it. The opinions and oppressions of others put me down and turn me away from my dream.Then the friends and idols I have met or seen have raised me up in such a way like no oth ers alike them could make me think as positive about my life as I think now. Since the age of 8 I've yearned to be an actor. On stage, in movies, in TV shows, in musicals, you name it. I've always wanted to express my god given emotions and share my talent with the world for all to see. When I was 8, I went with my school on a field trip to see a play. The production was Aladdin. The second saw the sets, the costumes and everything put together, I instantly dreamed to do that for the future.At this same time I had played baseball. I decided to do both musicals and baseball. Then that's when the regrets came. Everyone would tell me, â€Å"Why do musicals? Athletes get paid millions to play baseball, you're not making that much in musicals. Instantly right when had just decided on my career in life, I was already getting told that shouldn't do something that doesn't pay well. I was only 8. Had no real idea of the value of a dollar and still, what they said affected me.

Sunday, September 15, 2019

Autocratic & Democratic Leader Essay

Barack Hussein Obama was born in Honolulu, Hawaii on August 4, 1961. His father was from Kenya and his mother was from Kansas. He was raised with help from his grandfather and grandmother. His achievements were all based on hard work, determination and perseverance. In college, he was supported by his scholarship and student loans. He then went to law school and obtained the pose of the president of the Harvard Law Review and being the first ever African-American to obtain it. On November 4, 2008, he was elected as President of the United States of America. He is the first ever black American to get such a high pose in history. Barack Obama is currently the 44th president in the United States. In Oprah. com, it is illustrated that Barack Obama is conscientious (Dzubow, 2009). It is one of the big five personality aspects that he possesses. Barack Obama quoted in his website that he keeps a to-do-list in his desk and that as long as he can count on the society to be a part, they would find a way to continue to make progress on all the campaigns (Fuller, 2013). This is to motivate the people and giving them the will to take part in his campaigns. This shows his determination to achieve what he has started. The second big five personality aspect is neuroticism. He is known to have low neuroticism because he his secure in everything that he says or does. His famous quotes like â€Å"Yes We Can† and â€Å"Change We Need† (Goodreads, 2013) during his speeches shows that he is very confident in what he is doing. Barack Obama is a democratic leader in the United States of America. Recently, he organized a fund raising campaign for Democratic House candidates (Byrne & Geiger, 2013). The procedure of the fundraising campaign is based on the amount that the society contributes. At $1,000, a reception ticket will be given. $5,000 would be given two reception tickets and a photo. A dinner ticket with the democrats and a photo would be given if $10,000 is contributed. $32,400 would be given two dinner tickets, a photo and given the honour to seat anywhere during the dinner. Finally, at 50,000, a table would be complemented, a photo, and preferred seating as well. With this, it would gather many of the residents of Chicago to join and help out in this fundraising campaign. A significant of Barack Hussein Obama was when he received the award of the noble peace prize. Based on his extraordinary efforts to strengthen international diplomacy and cooperation between peoples (Oslo, 2009), he was awarded with the prize in the year 2009. Obama’s vision was to work for a world with no more nuclear weapons. Tun Dr. Mahathir Mohamed Mahathir Mohamed was born on December 20, 1925, in Alor Setar, Kedah. He was brought up in a modest but stable family. His father was a teacher at and English language school. He attended medical school at the University of Malaya in Singapore after he graduated from college. He became active in UMNO and got a seat in the House of Representatives in 1964. He reached the pose of becoming a prime minister in 1981. He sustained his position for 22 years, which is by far the longest pose that has been remained in the history of Malaysia (The Biography Channel website, 2013). One of the personalities that Mahathir possesses is his openness to experience. In 1996, when Malaysia had an eight percent economic expansion, Mahathir was determined to lift Malaysia with a vision. That vision was called Vision 2020. His idea of this innovative vision was to motivate others to work together in order to achieve a better future (The Biography Channel website, 2013). Another one of his personalities is his conscientiousness. Having the new goal which is vision 2020, he made a speech about it and illustrated that by 2020 he is confident that he would succeed. He stated that the goal of vision 2020 cannot be achieved if there is no unity in Malaysia. It would also be affected if there is no confidence in the society. Tun Dr. Mahathir Mohamed is an autocratic leader. As he stated, democracy is a recipe for disaster which shows that he is an anti – democrat, he complained that people are too irresponsible to govern themselves. He also quoted a few examples about democratic countries that were unsuccessful due to strikes and demonstrations (Ignatius, 2012). His significant factor that he contributed was to implement the idea of Vision 2020 which motivated many Malaysians to turn a new leaf. Creating a good mindset for them and letting them know that they are capable of uniting and working together. Also, bringing up a positive slogan for the country called ‘Malaysia Boleh’ (mthago, 2010). Reflection From these two leaders, they both have similarities in their leadership skills. Both are confident in what they are doing and dominant in their own ways. They have good thoughts of bringing up new ideas and setting up goals and campaigns. The only difference in them is that one is a democratic and the other is an autocratic. In my opinion, President Barack Obama is a better leader because he reaches out to the public and has a friendly characteristic compared to Dr. Mahathir. He has made good decisions and helped his country recover from economical downfalls. Also, he has won the noble peace prize. From this, I would conclude that President Barrack Hussein Obama is a better leader and have more followers as well.

Saturday, September 14, 2019

Soul Surfer – Persuasive

This film has many positive lessons to be taken to heart throughout the film. However, the strongest messages are that with a bit of perspective and the support of our friends and family. You can make it through the worst of tragedies. Our family and friends are often our support system. With them, anything becomes possible. Tom Hamilton, Bethanys father (played by Dennis Quaid) tells Bethany when she is ready to quit surfing after the attack; â€Å"That shark didn't kill you, you are still here, still alive, ith a family who loves you†. (1) Bethany may have lost an arm, but that is not to say she has lost everything.Throughout this uphill battle, Bethany has her friends and family there for her to help her get back on the board with confidence and to turn surfing back into the Joyful hobby she initially fell in love with. Similarly, perspective is everything. It is our outlook on life and how we are able to see and eventually come to terms with life's simplest and toughest de cisions. During one of the towns youth ights, Sarah Hill, the youth group's pastor (played by Carrie Underwood) says â€Å"It can be hard to make sense of things when you are looking at them really close.The same is true in life, so if you are ever dealing with anything that is Just too hard to handle, or does not seem to make much sense, get a new perspective. † (2) After the attack Bethany struggles in finding a reason why this has all happened to her. Why she has lost her arm, why she must learn how to do almost everything again, and how this could be gods plan for her. Through the guidance of Sarah's advice in getting a new perspective, and through her own faith, Bethany was able to come to a positive conclusion.With perspective and support you can make it over the highest bumps in the road. The movie's enticingly unique story creates an everlasting connection between your own life and to the life of Bethany Hamilton's. Based on true-life events, this story will inspire y ou to love yourself, and to be thankful for all that you have. When director Sean McNama was asked about the challenges of making this movie nd he said â€Å"it is about who Bethany really is, and so yeah-there was some give and take on both sides to make it great, but I was like let's Just be true to what she is. (3) Since Sean was able to stay so true to whom and what the real Bethany is all about, it makes you really see and have an appreciation for all she has gone through. And furthermore, all the struggles and obstacles she will continue to be faced with throughout the rest of her life. In addition, the special effects of this movie really add on to the overall performance and the reality of the story. AnnaShophia Robb ore a green sleeve on her arm, which was later digitally removed to portray the missing limb.After the shooting of the actual scene took place, the crew would shot a second one without anybody, insuring the background would match with the movie They had to do t his tor every scene that Bethany was in, theretore tor the scene. majority of the movie. This was difficult because they had to do this without wasting precious amounts of time. The main reason being, they were relying on the weather to hold up. All the extra work and attention to detail paid off, because everything ooks realistic, and as a viewer you can remain focused on the story and not the obvious Photoshop.When combing a story line based on true-life events and incredible special effects, you are left with a captivating movie. Creating relatable and convincing characters is perhaps the hardest aspect in making films. You may know her from movies such as; Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, Race to Witch Mountain, or maybe even from Because of Winn-Dixie. AnnaSophia Robb plays the main character of Bethany Hamilton. The character of Bethany is a strong one to say the ery least. With her persistence and confidence, she outshines all the other characters, making her relatable.One of the most memorable quotes in this move is said by the character herself, â€Å"l do not need easy, I Just need possible. † (4) What makes this role so strong is throughout the entire film, you embark on this Journey and you wait on Bethanys character to breakdown, quit, or to lose faith in everything. But she never does. She shows us her strength, determination and will to find the positive outcomes in all tragic things. Although the character of Bethany Hamilton is extraordinary, Soul Surfer has at least two memorable characters.You may know her from her victory on the fourth season of American Idol, or the story of a small town Oklahoma girl turns platinum recording artist; Carrie Underwood makes her acting debut, playing the inspirational role of the youth group's pastor-Sarah Hill. Carrie shows that she has the ability to light up a big screen in her movie debut, but it is the character she plays that makes the movie as moving as it is. Sarah Hill tells Bethany â€Å" l o not know why terrible things happen to us sometimes, but I have to believe something good is going to come out of this. (5) This inspires Bethany to get back into the water, and to not lose faith in not only herself and her abilities, but also not lose faith in God and the role he plays in her life. Sarah's compassion and Christian beliefs make this movie inspiring, relatable, and moving. Sarah's character demonstrates a strong Christian belief which remains true to the life of the real Bethany Hamilton; by still having a huge significance to the story, Sarah does this ithout alienating the non-Christian audiences.

Friday, September 13, 2019

A Comparison of Michelangelos and Donatellos Sculptures of David

The comparison of sculptures between Michelangelo and Donatello David Michelangelo and Donatello was the most respected and exciting artist of the time. Michelangelo of the High Renaissance and Donatello of the early Renaissance came from Italy. Both of them tell the story of David and Goliath, as described in Sam 2: 17: 28-51 in their sculpture 'David'. David is a shepherd boy, killing a giant Goliath with only one pachinko in his hand. Michelangelo showed David before the fight and Donatello showed David to David in the fight against Goliath. In the Renaissance period, artists such as Donatello, Lorenzo Ghiberti and Michelangelo produced famous works such as Donatello's bronze David, Door to the baptistery of Florence, Michelangelo, sculptures reached the climax. The marble of David and Pieta the Virgin Mary gently hugging the deceased Jesus. Most Renaissance sculptures are still religious about that subject. The church is full of carefully carved tents, pulpit towers, tombs, altar s, bowl pots and statues. However, as they learn more about classical art, sculptors also work in the form of heathens, including horse riding (horse and rider) statues, portrait busts and male nude drawings. In addition, art is not just for the church The city of Florence paid for his sculpture of David. The customer felt that he was difficult to handle and cooperate. He is not a cultural intellectual like Leonardo da Vinci or Michelangelo. Donatello is essentially a realist. Many of the masterpieces of Donatello are in Florence. Some of the masterpieces include: St. Peter, St Mark, Sukune, St George and Dragon, St. John Evangelist, Magdalen and Angel and Tambourine. Many of his sculptures were a breakthrough in the Renaissance. One of them, David was the first naked statue of the Renaissance, and the goddess of the equestrian gutta Merita was considered one of the best sculptures ever. (Rainbow Book of Art p.68, May 16, 2003) David was destined to become the second king of Israel, destroying the Philistines' giant Goliath with stones and hanging chains. Both Donatello, Verrocchio, Michelangelo, Benigni designed the David sculpture. However, sculptures are very different from each other. Each is unique in its own way. Donatello, the first life-sized naked statue since the classical era, balances between classicalism and realism through the real image of an Italian farmer's boy presenting a classic nude statue. Donatello was inspired by classical figures, but he did not choose Greek youth as a model of David. Instead, he chose a young boy whose arm was weakly bare because of a lack of muscles. After defeating Goliath at the foot of David, he placed a sword next to him and dealt with most of it. It is almost impossible for boys like David to accomplish such work. MICHELANGO, DONATELLO, This is four different buildings about David sculpture.

Challenging Leopold Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Challenging Leopold - Essay Example King Leopold II was Belgian King between 1865 and 1909. Under Leopold II control, the regime became notorious for forced labour used to gather ivory, palm oil and rubber. It killed so many locals in turn, until its misdoings were eventually exposed and widely reported by the Congo Reform Association, which had been established by Edmund Dene Morel, after which King Leopold was forced to transfer control to the Belgian government. Edmund Morel discovered that the trade in Congo was based on slave labor while in the course of duty at the Shipping Company where he worked. He realized that most ships landing were laden with valuables: ivory, rubber and minerals. However, the ships departing to Congo mainly carried soldiers, ammunitions and other weapons of destruction. There was only one conclusion from the discrepancy: slave labour was ongoing in Congo. Chapter 1 Henry Morton Stanley was an American journalist and an explorer, who was born in Wales. He explored through the Congo River a nd Basin and vast lands of the present DRC. He teamed up with resource hungry King Leopold II to establish the Congo Free State. In Europe, explorers were respected and treated in awe. This explains why many European countries competed to send explorers. The motives of British Exploration in Africa were several. Importantly, it was to acquire resources and new market for its product. Secondly, it was as result of political reasons as major European nations were competing for colonies. Importantly, Britain desired to spread religion, open up the region and stop slave trade. The targets of anti-slavery fervor in the 1960s were mainly Arabs operating mainly from East Africa. Dr Livingston was a Scottish born explorer, famous for his works in Central Africa. His initial aim was to spread Christianity and commerce in the region. While in Africa, he developed illness and was not heard from for a long time prompting his search. Henry Morton Stanley is famous for having found Dr. Livingston e in Africa. This was after being commissioned by the New York Herald to go and search for him. His search for Dr Livingstone was important to his future career because after finding Dr Livingstone, he preceded with exploration in the Congo Basin and River, and it his findings which prompted him to team up with Leopold to establish Congo Free State. Chapter 2 Leopold was obsessed with making Belgium an imperial power, succeeding at what his father did not. Edmund Dene Morel account describes him as a cruel, greedy yet with a charming personality. Leopold believed that one of the key to building a powerful, imperial Belgium was to through colonial expansion. One of the core reasons why he wanted a colony was to establish recognition: he felt that he was not truly in charge of Belgium because of Parliament. Therefore, he wanted a colony in order to establish his recognition, and create a profit to build monuments. He promoted his interests in Africa through creation of Congo Free Stat e, which was a privately held state. The Brussels Geographical Conference took place in September 1876 at the request of Leopold and its agenda was to discuss Europe activity in Africa. H invited several experts and explorers to the conference. He used this conference to rubber stamp his interest in Africa,

Thursday, September 12, 2019

Government Failure in Iceland Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Government Failure in Iceland - Essay Example Laws on the ministerial accountability1on the other hand have never been applied in the history of Iceland and in general political accountability is not common. Public confidence in the government has vanished and it is likely that the only way to regain the trust of the public is to redefine public sector accountability. Doing so means to look at the nature of government failure within the Icelandic government and to understand how the entire political system directly or indirectly allows for leeway which often leads to lack of accountability. The catastrophic financial events that shook Icelands economy in 2008 have confirmed the necessity for a complete overhaul of the entire political system. Given the economic reconstruction that is already underway, it is of primary importance to seek renewed government system and to redefine accountability of the public officials. This may also play a key role in reestablishing the trust between Iceland and foreign governments. The initial aim is to analyze the specific nature of government failures within the context of Iceland. ... UK, France). 2. The proposed research Given the overall context described above the research proposal can be summarized under the following points: The initial aim is to analyze the specific nature of government failures within the context of Iceland. Parliamentarian processes and errors will be examined in order to comprehend whether the Parliament - as the heart of the surveillance mechanism which consists of three power branches - has some inherent procedural weaknesses that prevent it from both following and reacting the changes in society.2 Secondly, the question "to what extent the lack of legislative supervision and discipline affect the nature of accountability in the executive branch" will be addressed. 3 Thirdly, clear ideas so as to how to increase political accountability will be developed. In this regard the surveillance mechanism of the three branches of government will be examined in order to provide improvements of its systemic accountability mechanism. Potential changes might include: The establishment of an independent Investigation Committee every two years (with a constitutional mandate) that publishes an annual report on government's transparency, accountability and efficiency. This report would be include simplified version so that ordinary people can read it and it will be publicly available. The Investigation Committee would furthermore investigate whether the delegation of powers functions properly. The possible issues covered will include financing of the judicial branch and legislative discipline. Establishing a new role for the President, namely to oversee the executive branchs decisions in matters concerning the high public interest. Building a complete overhaul of the structure of the